Environmental/Ecological Statistician
Statistical Consultant
Bozeman, MT
I am an applied statistician happily playing in everyone’s research backyards. After extensive training in biology and wildlife science fields, I found my way to statistics and now use my combined expertises to collaborate with and consult for folks in environmental and ecological projects. I graduated Spring 2021 with my PhD in Statistics from Pennsylvania State University with research focused on statistical ecology. My strong quantitative background in the biological sciences (BS in biology, MS in wildlife ecology) and interdisciplinary research during my PhD in Statistics has led to my expertise in analyzing and visualizing complex ecological and environmental datasets along with providing comprehensive support and communication within a collaborative team.
If you are looking for a statistical consultant you may find more information here. I am currently available for part-time work (not to exceed 30 hours/week).
Statistical Applications in Ecology - Ph.D Research
I am based out of Bozeman, Montana and have fallen in love with the mountains, this town, and the community here. When I’m not enjoying helping folks with their statistical analyses (and more!) I can be found either out on the trails, at my favorite tea shop, or in my garden working to create an epic wildlife habitat that’ll bring all the birds to the yard.
The visual CV was made in R using code found in this blog post.